Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lacking conversation topics

So, I'd post another poem on here, but at the moment they're all packed away. So instead I'll just talk about the celestial events that I hope to observe this week:

Tuesday, 8/28/07: Total Lunar Eclipse:
I'll have to get up really early for this (mid-eclipse is 4:37 AM MDT), but it will be worth it. I haven't watched a total eclipse in many years now. Perhaps I'll even be able to convince a certain someone that they want to get up that early to watch too.

Saturday, 9/1/07: Alpha Aurigids Meteor Shower:
This one may or may not work out well for me. It's late (peak is 5:36 AM MDT) so if the sky starts getting too light I may not see anything much (Sunrise is 6:54 AM). I'm going to try anyways, so here's hoping. I'll probably start watching around 4-4:30 to try and see something.

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