Friday, October 06, 2006

Head >= Water

This week has been killing me. I don't have time to be writing this right now, but I am anyways apparently. So, I hope you're all doing well.

I thought of a great sign to put up in an apartment where some people don't clean up after themselves: "You're not my dog, pick up your own sh**" (pardon my french).

And to address a previous comment: Lexi and I met and became good friends before she started writing for the Board, so it wasn't quite the 'Board inbreeding' we've been accused of :-P. The Board does happen to be a convenient way for intelligent people to meet other intelligent people though. At a recent gathering at Lavish's that involved a number of Board writers, I pondered the awesome intelligence of the group when we managed to go around the room (~12 people) and rattle of Shakespeare plays without repeating, and without anyone pausing to think. I thought that was pretty neat.

My Friday has been triple booked, and I don't know how to solve the schedule conflict. I have a Board Question-Answering party to attend, a Stake Dance, and a Cheer-Up Party for a Friend who's been a little down lately. I'll figure something out....

And, now I need to get back to my homework....

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