Thursday, February 21, 2008

Valentine's Cookies

I made cookies on Valentine's Day and gave them to various people. So here are some random pictures of the cookies I made:

I made hearts:

I made frogs:

And just for Olympus, I made Jewish frogs wearing golden yarmulkes. (It was the very random result of a very random conversation.... don't anyone get offended):


Chillygator said...

Dear CPM,

You may not know me (or you may, who knows?), but you _should_! Mostly because those cookies look wonderful (especially the darling little frogs) and I reallyreally want one (o: But if not, those are still awesome. Good job.


Brooklyn said...

Oh man! Look at those scrolls go. And the sidecurls and the yarmulkes.

Also: You totally beat me to the punch here. I was definitely going to post a picture of the Jewish frogs ... you're too fast!

alishka babushka said...

those cookies rock. looks like you had fun!