Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Break Time

So I haven't written in over a week. I know. But on my other blog I haven't written in over TWO weeks, so you all should feel pretty good about life.

I'm finally all caught up on grading. Those pesky tests will be going back to the students today. Hopefully the grades won't ruin their Thanksgiving breaks.

For FHE last night we played Guitar Hero III, such a fun game. I'm really hoping I'll be able to get my hands on a Wii for Christmas this year, and very soon after, Guitar Hero III. I was going to get one last year, but none of my family members enlisted in the search were able to find one. Nintendo is producing around 1.3 million consoles a month, and they still can't keep them on the shelves for more than a few hours at a time. Incredible.

Other than those things, life is mostly just chugging along.

I bought a 1000 ft of cat 5e cable yesterday. I'm going to spend some of my break running network cable around the house so my roommates can have a hard-line connection in their rooms. It will be fun. I got a drill bit, crimper, tester, and time; all the necessary components. We're also planning to get the trim up in the living room, that will look very nice.

At the beginning of the semester I made an arbitrary deadline of November 23 to have a draft of my thesis proposal written. It is November 20, and I have about 10 entries in my annotated bibliography as well as a few sentences written in my introduction. I'm a little behind on that... oh well. It will get done eventually.

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