Monday, November 05, 2007

The mind of a Halo terrorist

Clive Thompson provides an interesting glimpse into the minds of suicide bombers. His experience in getting creamed playing Halo 3 online drove him to develop a new strategy, one which he quickly discovered was essentially suicide bombing. Why does it work you ask? Halo awards points for kills, but does not punish for deaths. So if you're about to die anyways, you can run crazy at your opponent and then stick a plasma grenade to their face as you crumple to the ground in a heap. And a few seconds later, they die too. So one could see how if a person believes wholeheartedly that they will die regardless of their actions, their most rational course of actions is to take out as many of their enemies as they can when they go. If your points are tallied by how many bad guys you kill, then you need to kill as many as you can before you die. And if you believe that anyone that doesn't believe as you do is a bad guy, then, well, that's what happens. Yes, it is a warped way of thinking, but within that mindset suicide bombing is the only rational thing to do.

The mind is a fascinating thing, which can be twisted and screwed up in so many fascinating ways....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL That's hilarious. I've done that before when playing video games (because I die quickly). I've never heard it compared to a terrorist. Humm...if there isn't tons of hope you might as well do something desperate and get as much done as you can before you go down. Muwhahaha!

Is that your new tactic as well?