Thursday, November 02, 2006


So Halloween has come and gone for another year. The Great Pumpkin provided me with sugar cookies and my wallet provided me with candy. The evening was a grand success with a viewing of Arachnophobia out on the lawn. It was cold, very cold, but many blankets made it comfortable.

I checked my grade for Modern Physics today, and found out I'm actually doing quite well. I have an A- at the moment and am ranked 9 out of 22 students. I was surprised at this because I almost always feel like I have no idea what's going on; but apparently most of the class has even less of a clue.

Lexi Khan leaves the state tomorrow. I will be bored and lonely for many days this month. I do have to take a test on Saturday, and Monday, so there will at least be something to partially distract me from my boredom... Maybe I'll get some work done on my projects that will be coming up due sooner than I think.

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