Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Now for something completely different:

This is much different than my usual poetry; and it needs some work still I think, but I thought I'd share this oddity with you all anyways:

alone in its garden of
knowledge that it brings a peace
that no one can
scattered about the ground.
Cups, butts, plastic
the world in its leaves.
And the cars go
against the wind,
branches whipping the sky of
buildings of this forest.
Buildings and a tree


Scarlet Flamingo said...

Wow, I really like that. It's such a nice circle.

Eternal if you will.

Heather said...

I like that, too! You said you thought it needed work, so would you mind a suggestion or two? I really like the way you made those few words stand out and the flow that results from it. Perhaps you could somehow tie those words in to one another? Or give them a common theme? Even with out that, it's really fun to read!
