Monday, May 19, 2008

I should go to sleep

Every so often I'll get entranced with reading my old blog posts. Tonight I was sucked into reading about a year's worth of posts from my personal blog. It started when I was looking at my Google Analytics and wondered what post I could possibly have written that someone found by a certain Google search. I read the post, and then began reading more and more. It's very interesting to go back and relive your life every so often. You can reinterpret events, see how things have changed, or stayed the same. It's kind of funny, but sad at the same time. Reading through events from two years ago I was struggling with the same problems I still am--- mainly dating and what to do with my future. I also spend my time doing pretty much the same things: reading, watching movies, playing games, hiking, and working.

Life can seem to be so different, yet when you look back, so much of it is really the same.

I still hate the concept of dating as much as I ever did, and yet still need to find a way to convince myself to do it. (You know, those groups that practice arranged marriages might have been on to something...)

Anyways, it's late and I should go to sleep, just wanted to comment on my reflection before clocking out for the night.

1 comment:

alishka babushka said...

I really enjoy reading past blog posts of mine. I do it all the time! It's a great form of reflection and I find it helps me get some perspective. I'm glad I'm not the only one.