Friday, August 29, 2008

Wait. What?

John McCain has chosen Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice-presidential candidate on the Republican ticket for the White House, a senior McCain campaign official has told CNN. The 44-year-old Palin, now in her first term as governor, is a pioneering figure in Alaska, the first woman and the youngest person to hold the state's top political job.

Huh? Serious? I never had any intention of voting for McCain, but it sure seems like he just put the nails in his own coffin with this vice presidential pick. A first term governor woman? on the Republican ticket? Does he think that this will let him grab all the disgruntled uber-Feminist Clinton supporters? Seems more likely that this will only result in alienating his core uber-conservative, Bible-belt male demographic. I may be wrong, but I think the Bible-thumping group also tends to be a group that doesn't like the idea of women in office. She doesn't really seem to bring anything to the ticket, except being a woman, which, as I said, I don't think is a big help on the Republican side. I guess she counters McCains age with her youth? Guess we'll see how things go....


Anonymous said...

Actually I think even the bible thumping, woman hating conservatives, who are clearly not the majority of the GOP, are pretty bloody happy.

87% of (hangout for conservatives, as you know) readers have voted that they think she is a "great pick" 4% say "so so pick" 7% "bad pick" 1% "I was hoping for Joe Lieberman"

McCain has finally managed to energize and excite the base.


Unknown said...

You do realize that self-selected surveys violate all the rules about statistical data gathering and have 0 value for representing any population, right? But, we'll see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Do you really, honestly think it has "zero value?" And if so, what about the enormously positive response from conservative bloggers and talk radio? Is that significant?

Or you may find this more significant:

Rasmussen - 78% have positive view of Palin as VP pick.

rock on.

Anonymous said...


I'm gonna have to agree with anonymous. You do realize that if self-selected surveys have 'zero value' than your 'astute' analysis has less than zero value? Aren't you Mormon? You realize that a vast majority of your fellow Mormon friends are conservative, right? What conservatives have you met that give you this impression that conservatives are so sexist or bigoted? I'm really confused how you have these views. Cognitive dissonance?

Anonymous said...

All statistical reasoning aside, I think it's hilarious that nobody in this post has mentioned anything about her policies. That might be a first place to look when determining the value of a candidate, not somebody else's survey.