Tuesday, September 23, 2008


From Slashdot:

I was thinking to myself "God! My EMail account must be in problem, I didn't receive any spam since the weekend", then I got this really great offer, a guy who is going to give me 20% of 5 million US dollars to help him recover a lost bank account. Well that's perfect, I'm the one who's finally gonna be rich!

That's nothing. I got an offer this morning of $700B, with little oversight and no accountability. All I have to do is prove that I recklessly lost hundreds of billions of investor capital.

That is the sad truth about what Bush is trying to push through Congress right now, the sadder truth is that Congress will pass it because it's an election year and a vote against this insane bill would be construed as "abandoning the people" by their opponents or some such nonsense.

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