Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Board will be right back

So any of you that read the board, and I would hope you do if you're reading this blog, because otherwise I have no idea why you would want to read my blog.... not that I'm sure I know why you want to read my blog anyways...... well.. that didn't start off very cohesively.... let's try again.

So if you read the board, you know it is down, and should be back tomorrow. I'll let you in on a little secret about the board's absence.

Lean in real close....

Check to make sure no one is watching you....


ok here goes:
So the Board is down so that--- "Oh Hi Miss Editor! How are you today?"

"No, No, I wasn't going to tell them anything, I swear."

"But, I like my kneecaps how they are. I really don't think that's necessary."

"Ok, Fine, they can find out tomorrow like everyone else."

Sorry, you'll just have to wait. ;-)


Rachel Helps said...

I don't wanna wait! *annoying whining*

erin said...

Ha ha ha ha....
