Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Update on Unwell v2.0

I finished my 10 day course of amoxicillin (an antibiotic in the penicillin family). On Saturday evening/night all of my previous near-death symptoms returned. The bacteria had survived the antibiotics and bred back into full force in the intervening ~30 hours. I woke up around 4 am on Sunday morning and every time I would fall asleep I'd wake up again about 6 seconds later. I finally figured out that my natural breathing pattern while sleeping wasn't working due to my swollen tonsils. So my body would fall asleep and when it tried to breathe, no air would come in and then my brain would wake me up saying, "WAKE UP YOU FOOL YOU CAN'T BREATHE". So that was pleasant.

So Sunday morning held another trip to the Urgent Care Facility in Orem. This time I got to see Dr. Christensen. Seeing that I had a textbook case of an infection surviving weak antibiotics he took another throat swab (to test for Strep: Negative) and a blood sample (to test for Mono: Negative). With these two likely factors ruled out again for 4 and 2 times respectively he decided to prescribe me a stronger antibiotic (Avelox) and a steroid (prednisone) for the swelling. The antibiotics usually cost >$10 per pill, and due to my insurance being CT only, and unlikely to cover the drugs right at the pharmacy he instead went and found me 9 sample pills, and gave them to me (which I was very grateful for).

The drugs are working nicely and I can continue about my life. Hopefully my body with the new drugs can finally kill off the infection. An interesting side effect of one of the drugs is that I have an slightly increased resting heart rate. Which provokes a feeling of slight nervousness or unsettledness. Somewhat like a person with ADHD feels. As long as I'm involved in something I find engaging I'm fine, but anytime I'd otherwise just be relaxing I start to feel like I need to find something to hold my attention or I get bothered. It's a fairly odd sensation.

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